Office Greening Program

The Metropolitan Naga Water District (MNWD) and the Metro Naga Water District Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MNWDEMPC) initiated a program promoting an innovative partnership between the MNWD and its employees to contribute in the environmental conservation efforts thru the greening of the MNWD compound and sustainable water use by harvesting rainwater for watering, flushing toilet, and other water needs within the MNWD premises.

On October 30, 2017, after the flag raising ceremony, the MNWD DMAs initiated the said program, they placed used paper generated in-house on the planted trees for mulching material to retain soil moisture and reduce the watering maintenance requirement for the greeneries. The plants were also watered and agreed upon to be nurtured by the MNWD employees, by watering them from time to time. The program likewise aims to reduce solid waste generation by utilizing biodegradable wastes as soil conditioner for the contained trees on a sustainable basis.

The said project utilized empty chlorine and rigicol containers as plant boxes for the trees. Forest trees and fruit bearing species propagated from the MNWD watershed nurseries and ornamentals requested from the City Environment and Natural Resources (ENRO) and Department of Agriculture (DA) are already in the MNWD premises.

Furthermore, the project aims to establish an innovative partnership between the government and the employees toward sustainable development, promote employee empowerment, and instill the principle of cooperation as a way of life and culture in the MNWD community.
