MNWD Employees Attend Drug Awareness Seminar

The Metropolitan Naga Water District (MNWD) welcomed Mr. Eric A. Sison, an Anti-Drug Advocate last April 27, 2018 for a Drug Awareness Seminar held at the MNWD Multipurpose Hall.

The seminar was conducted pursuant to the District’s anti-drugs campaign in the workplace through the initiative of Mr. Sison, who is also a former member of the Naga City Dangerous Drugs Board Coordinator for Public Information, Campaign, and Education.

Meanwhile, more than 100 MNWD employees attended the event wherein Mr. Sison shared his personal experience back when he was using illegal drugs and how he recovered from the said addiction. He then added the importance of family and faith to the Creator as his support system during his rehabilitation period.

The seminar ended with Mr. Sison emphasizing the negative impact of illegal drug use not only to the life of the user but also, that of the people who love and care for the user.

The MNWD stands firm in the fight against the use of illegal drugs hence, the consistent campaign on anti-drugs and conduct of Drug Test in the workplace. (Auria S. Gonzales)



DRUG AWARENESS. The MNWD attendees during the Drug Awareness Seminar together with Mr. Eric A. Sison, Anti-Drug Advocate.